Donatello--"David" This sculpture is named David, represent the vicory of David over Goliath: at the David's feet is the Goliath's head, in his rigth hand has the Goliath's sword and in his left hand has a stone, used to hit Goliath. David is wearind a shepherd's hat adorned with laurel (a kind of leaves used to represent the victory an the honor). . Sandro Botticelli--"the Birth of Venus" Venus was born when the genitals of Uranos fall into the sea and Venus floats in shell moves for Zephry wind. Venus is the goddess of fertility and love. In the painting the the man of the left, is the wind god "Zephyr", the woman on the right side is a mortal woman and she is cover to venus with a mantle and the woman hugging the man of the left is an unknow person, because no body know who is. Leonard da Vinci--"The Last Supper" The fifth one man in the painting is St. Peter and he has a knife in his hand. The sixth one is John, and the fourth one is Judas, in his face doesnt have light, it represent evil.In the painting we can se a vanishing point that is the Jesus head. Today the quality of the painting is not very good because it is a fresco painting, but was not painted quickly.
Andrea Mantegna--"Celing Tondo of the camera degli Sposi" A tondo is a circular painting. Camera of the degli sposi mean the room of the husband and wife. The ceiling tondo was painted in Ducal Place. The women an the left side are looking down. The two women at the bottom middle are talking.In Italian putto mean fat little boy. In this painting we can see a putto getting ready to though the apple.
Leonado da Vinci---"The mona Lisa" The "Mona Lisa" is also knowm as "La Gioconda", supposedly she was Francesco del Giocondo wife. But the name of Leonardo da Vinci is Leonardo Giocondo. "La Gioconda" english meaning is "The Smimilg One". Da Vinci hired singers and to keep the smile while he painted, for this reason the Mona Lisa is smiling.This painting was made using levels of painting. . Michelangelo--"Pieta" This sculpture was the first that Michelangelo made, when he was 23 years old. "Pieta"english meaning is "Mercy" , the woman in this sculpture; Mary is mourning and in her arms has Jesus. Michelangelo didnt usually put his signature on his art works, but in this sculpture we can see that his signature was in tha band that Mary has. The "Pieta" is made of marble, but he spend a lot of time doing this sculpture because he personally went to find marble. Michelangelo--"David"
This sculpture is similar with the Roman sculptures for the tree trunk. In this sculpture the Goliaths head is not in the feet of David, because the sculpture represents David before the battle versus Goliath. Michelangelo prefer sculpting than painting. . Michelangelo--"The Last Judment" This fresco painting is in the Sistine Chapel. The peoble that we can see in this painting are: Jesus he is sitting in the middle , the woman underneath his roght arm is Mary, St. Bartholomew is at the left foot of Jesus and he has a knife in his right hand and in his left hand has a flayed skin of a person, the Pope Paul IV was unhappy with this painting. The clothes that the people is wearing was added to the painting after Michelangelo died. . Raphael--"Madona of the Meadows"
The woman in this painting is Mary and the boys are: Chirst (in Mary arms) and John Bautist he is givind to christ a cross, in general this painting represent the sacrifice of Christ. . Raphael-- "the School of Athens" In this painting are some important persons as Pythagoras (famous Greek teaching) at the bottom left side of the painting, Euclid (Grees teaching) at the bottom rght side, Plato and Aristotle at the top of the steps in tne middle of the painting. This painting has vanishing point in the center, between Plato and Aristotle. Michelangelos face appareace at the left of the center, and Raphaels face is in the right side, next to the column. In the center of this painting we can see the a man with the face of Leonardo Da Vinci but represented Plato. Raphael consider Leonardo Da Vinci the best artist.
Titan--"Charles V at Mulhberg" The man in the painting is the Roman Emperor Charles V, who is preparing for the fight. Titian made this painting to commemoratehis victory. The oil on canvas material was used in this painting. Jan van Eyec--"The Arnolfini Wedding Portrait" Giovanni Arnolfini was a Rich Italian bussiness men, the fruit close to the window represents the natural abundance,in the above the mirror on the wall is written "Jan Van Eyck was here". And he is reflection in this mirror.
Pieter Brueghel-- "The Peasant Dance" Peasant" is a person than lives or works in a country. The peasants in this painting are dancing, rinking and eating and the cuple in the back are kissing, in the background is a church. Madonna is on the tree on the roght side. The message of this painting is the people.
Albrecht Durer-"The Four Horsmen of the Apocalypse" The horseman in the front of the painting is the dead, the next horseman in the middle is plague, the third horseman in the back is war, and the last horseman in the very back of the painting is famine, but in the sky an angel are flaying and god is represented by th rays of light. This artist was interesting in two types of art: 1.-Woodcut (wood) 2.- Engranying (metal) |