Paleolithic Era First Paleolithic mean old stone. This Era, since 40 000 to 10 000 B. C. The Paleolithic society was a culture of hunters and gatherers, who lived communally. Most scholars believe that Venus sculptures represent fertility. Sculpture in the round is completely detached from its original material relief sculpture its more pictorial, because it forms a background plane. The colors used in cave paintings were brown, black, yellow and red. They came from minerals and pigment. They represent animals and some humans.
Neolithic Era Neolithic mean new stone. This Era take place in the years 8000 to 2000 B. C. The change in the society was very important because they have more time to do a bigger work art. There was 3 kinds of stone sculptures: Menhirs: Are singles stones, standing. The meaning is something like long stone. Dolmens: These are vertical stones that on the top have a horizontal stone. And the meaning is something like table. Cromlechs: These are stones, menhirs, but in circle or semicircle. The meaning is like circle place The most famous Cromlech is Stonehenge, its located at south of England. |