Art History
Ancient Egypt


In 3100 B.C the Narmer, was the first pharahon to govern and joined the upper and lower Egypt .

The name of the first stone pyramid is step pyramid this was built in Saqqara on the west bank of the Nileand this was built by the Djoser pharaoh.This pyramid was built whith caps of stone one on the other. (imagen step)

The giza pyramid was built during th dynasty of 2600B.C to 2500 B.C (imagen giza)

The pharaoh Tutankhamun was near the end of the 1336 B.C to 1327 B.C dynasty, his tomb was discovered in 1922 and the most amazing of this discovered was that was the first time to have a tomb full this not been emtied by tombs robbers.

In 196 B.C was the Rosetta stone made. This stone was used to record an agreement between a group of priests and the Egyptian government , they used three differents lenguages to write the agreements hierogliphic, demotic and ancient greek. In 1822Jean Francois champollion descovered how to read Egyptian Hieroglyphs by using this stone. (imagen rosetta)


The name of the three Gizas pyramids are: Menkaure, Khnfre and Khufu this last pyramid is the largest.

In front of the Khnafre pyramid we found the Sphinx pyramid, this has a form like a lion, has a face like a pharaoh and its measures are:
Base: 187 feet (57 m) in length
Total Weight: undetermined
Width: Face is 20 feet (6 m) wide
Height: Total height is 66 feet (20 m), 30 feet (9.15 m) high from chin to head


The egyptians think that the first part of the body to descompose were the left side. They used a natural salt to dry out dead boddies and internal organs in the mummification named natron. In the same process they didnt take the heart out of the body because they belived that it was the centre of feeling and intelligence.

The brain take out of the body with a long hook, this was introduced by the nose and for this place take out the brain.
They stuffed the body with natron because this salt was going to dry the this. After forty days the egyptians washed the body with water of the Nile, then they put oils this helped the skin to stay elastic.

The function of the canopic jars were to hold the internal organs and this represented 4 gods.

The description of this jars are:

Baboon-headed: the internal organs are lungs and the god is Jackal Headed: the internal organ is the stomach and the god is Duamutef
Falcon-headed:the internal organ are the intestines and the god is Quebensenuef(imagen quebe
Human- headed: The internal organ is liver and the god is Imsety.

They put between the layers of the linene wrapping amulets to protec the body when the down at the under world(hell) and they read spells because this will help the desceased make the jouney to the afterlife.Between the hands they put an amulet to protect at the person for evil spells.

They used two coffins and when the introduced the coffins in the tombs, they put anothers things: forniture, clothes, expensive items, food and drinks.






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